My Software Engineering Journey 2.0

My Software Engineering Journey 2.0

Second Month at TIIDELab

In my quest for self-reliance, it has been a journey of discovery, impact and insight. From Data Structure and Algorithm, to HTML and the CSS in the first month, building my portfolio website and more:

With our Team project (MEDEase) in top gear, the second month at TIIDELab was rich with materials and practical classes on Product Design (UI/UX). We were made to understand that the first thing for a web developer is not to start coding but to be able to visualize what you want to achieve both for your client and as a guide to help you achieve your goal faster and without stress.

Having a basic knowledge of UI/UX will help a web developer create realistic and implementable designs, Increase productivity and speed, Improve critical thinking and problem-solving abilities and also broaden a developer's career prospects.

UX design focuses on creating a seamless and meaningful user experience by understanding user needs, conducting research, and designing intuitive interfaces, while UI design focuses on the visual, interactive elements of a product to create aesthetically pleasing interfaces.

User interface design is a purely digital practice. It considers all the visual, and interactive elements of a product interface—including buttons, icons, spacing, typography, color schemes, and responsive design. The goal of UI design is to visually guide the user through a product’s interface. It’s all about creating an intuitive experience that doesn’t require the user to think too much!

The Good, The Bad, And The Wicked: Thinking About Design Thinking ...

Then came JavaScript, Mr. Kenny patiently took us through the Introductions to JavaScript, Data types, Functions, Loops, Switch Statement, DOM Manipulation and Arrays. JavaScript enables dynamic interactivity on websites when it is applied to an HTML document. I now understand the logic behind the workings of ATM machines, USSD codes,tasks organiser and games.

What are the uses of JavaScript

With Mr. Kenny's guide, Mr. Shams' consistent push and TIIDELab's well-structured curriculum, I have gradually overcome the fear of JavaScript.

Having another opportunity to make a presentation on what we learnt as a group during our peer review has helped me digest materials thoroughly.

Developing and improving soft skills is important because they can help employees perform their tasks successfully and further their professional development. Our Friday professional development sessions has created a platform for brainstorming and implementing ideas by using motivation to translate sessions into actionable projects. Thank you, Mr. Shams.

Two major things stood out for me in our sessions, the stages of design thinking and the act of decision making.

Design Thinking - one of the steps to Innovation - FIO Labs, LLC

Design thinking is a process for solving problems by prioritizing the consumer’s needs above all else. It relies on observing, with empathy, how people interact with their environment and employs an iterative, hands-on approach to creating innovative solutions.

Ethical decision-making models provide a framework for analyzing ethical dilemmas and serve as a guide for identifying potential solutions. By utilizing these models, organizations can ensure they are making decisions that align with their values while minimizing the risk of harming stakeholders. This can result in better decision-making and improved reputation.

The unveiling of our Mentors, was another fuel, put together by TIIDELab to provide mentees with immense advantages, such as new knowledge, expanded networks and the ability to advance their career.

Having a mentor is more than just setting and achieving goals; it's about having someone in your corner who can provide valuable feedback, encouragement and support to help you grow both professionally and personally. I am loving this! I have submitted myself to the process, hoping to come out refined.

My sincere gratitude goes to my teammates (Innovation squad) for making learning interesting and my coding partner God'sFavour Ezeliora for always wanting to share from her wealth of knowledge. TIIDELab made this possible, I am forever grateful. This learning process has been awesome, I am determined to finish well and finish strong. It has been two months of transformation for me.